2020 Calendar with seasonal photographs by Tim Seibert
After a 4 year absence and the international success of the 2016 calendar, Tim has brought new print images ripped from the pages of Facebook to your kitchen refrigerator. You will be the envy of the neighborhood with this high quality calendar that few people will have, or even want for that matter.
Send one to your really really old friends that still use a print calendar. Plenty of room to add the grand kids birthdays, doctor appointments and other important information.
After the month has ended, rip the page from the calendar and place it over the less valuable artwork hanging from your walls.
Imagine 13 new 8.5 x 11 pieces of artwork gracing your walls by the end of 2020!
Price $17.50 BUY TODAY! $8.00 shipping outside of the Denver-Boulder Metro Area.